Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Welcome to our crazy life! Enter at your own risk!

Welcome Friends!

      Come on in! I've decided to start blogging about our crazy life here. Including updates on John's medical condition. I get told, a lot, that I should be writing a book about all the shenanigans that go on in my day. So I thought blogging about it was a great place to start! I am so glad to be sharing my life's adventures with our friends and family and can't wait to get to know some new friends too!

       For those that don't personally know us I will explain a little about who we are. My husband and I have been together just shy of 10 years now. We have 5 children with baby #6 due ANY DAY NOW! He works outside the home. I just started an online clothing boutique about 4 months ago.  I run the store and raise the kids. Plus we have a doggie. Needless to say, we have a busy, chaotic life as a normal day. Then recently, at 35 weeks pregnant, my husband was hospitalized and had to undergo emergency surgery. Thus, leaving me to run our chaos alone. His surgery was complicated and invasive. He is lucky to be alive and currently, I am holding on the best I can. I am now 37 weeks pregnant. I am exhausted. I am sore. I am spent. But I am grateful this didn't turn out worse. Here's our big family....minus Amber (the grown up daughter).

I am so thankful my husband's surgery was a success!

     John (husband) is currently healing at home. His current condition is good! He came home with two JP Drains, a catheter, a HUGE open incision that has to heal from the inside out, and a colostomy. As of today he is down to the incision, which is still open for the most part but healing, his catheter, and the colostomy, which will be in place for a few months until his surgeons determine if he is a candidate for reconnect surgery in the future. He is in no shape to do anything for himself so that has left me caring for all his needs plus the entire household. I am taxed to say the least! But by the grace of GOD I am making it, day by day.

     I went to the doctor for a baby check up today and I am 1cm dilated. I am praying SO HARD that I don't have this baby before Thursday afternoon. John has an appointment at the hospital to get a test done called a Cystogram to determine if they can take out his catheter. Then he has a check up with his gastro surgeon on Thursday mid-morning. After those appointments, this little baby can come whenever she likes! Until then, I will be taking it easy and hoping for the best! Here's to a restful evening! And welcome to our chaos! I hope you get something out of it. Even if it's nothing more than a giggle or two!


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