Thursday, August 25, 2016

It's Back To School and I Mom Failed. I Mom Failed BIG!!

It's back to school around here! I can't tell you how different the prep work has been for me this time. Things have changed in our household. I only had TWO school aged children to buy for. I haven't had that happen for many years! So you would think that would make things a little easier for me but, no luck. Jonathan started college so I went from knowing exactly what prepping for back to school meant to uncharted territory and boy oh boy has it been a challenge! Things have been hectic to say the least. I was trudging along doing my best to get everything figured but then I messed up, people. I messed up big. 

It started off decently. I was so excited to watch Jonathan grab his stuff and head off to his first class on Monday!

As we drove up I say to him "Son, I'm going to take a pic so don't run off fast." He says "MOM! Not while people are watching! It's bad enough that my MOMMY is dropping me off at college!!"

Ok then. I will just get one in sneak mode. No problem. :-)

This year I managed to put myself in a precarious position with school supplies for the Elementary kid. School starts on Wednesday. I didn't even start getting his school supplies until MONDAY. That's right. Two days prior to school. I am one of those Moms that claims I am going to start back to school shopping AND Christmas shopping in advance "this year". That way I won't be waiting until the last minute and cause myself to go in to a frenzy trying to find things. Every year I fail to do it. Every year I go in to a frenzy but I have NEVER cut it this close. I had succumbed to the fact that I wouldn't be able to find much and would just have to buy as much as I could, when I saw things back in stock. I hurried off to the store and to my amazement, there was still a good amount left! By Tuesday afternoon I had every item on the list except for one so I was feeling pretty proud of myself and told the kids and hubby just as much. 

Little John is very specific about wanting to be prepared for school. He is borderline obsessive about it. He spent the afternoon organizing his items just so in his back pack, making sure he had everything ready and sharpening all his pencils. Take a look at just how consumed he gets with keeping the brands of pencils apart and making sure to put them back in the box they came in, eraser DOWN. He wasn't very happy that Sophie wanted to help either. He didn't want anyone else touching his stuff but he loves his sister so he agreed to let her help some.

Then he went about the task of placing them sideways in a bag to keep all the boxes together in his backpack. He was so happy!

Then comes the boom.

Little John comes to me close to bedtime (the morning before school is set to start), hands me his list that I had put back on the refrigerator and asks me "Mom, why does this list say Fifth Grade?" 

Do you guys see the problem? My son is going in to FOURTH GRADE. My heart sank to the FLOOR! How did I not see that? I mean, it's printed in big letters right on the top of the page! I quickly told him that was the end of the list from Fifth Grade that must've printed on to his Fourth Grade list so he wouldn't panic (maybe some kind of printer problem) and he seemed to accept that answer. I am sure glad he slept well because I did NOT. 

I stayed awake for hours trying to decide how to tell him, what to tell him, whether I even SHOULD tell him. Then I came up with a plan. It really was my only option at that point. I got up earlier than I normally would and I set about the task of unpacking his backpack, printing off the CORRECT list and checking off what he already had. I could see, at that point that it wasn't as bad as I imagined. The list of things he needed wasn't catastrophic. I would just have to go to the store after I dropped him off to get the items and hope and pray that our local stores still had supplies. As my other family members started to wake up to get ready for their day I told them what I did. They couldn't believe it. Yep, having another baby has done me in! My brain no longer functions like it should. I am really going to have to double check myself from here on out! 

We all agreed it was best to tell Little John the truth. That kid is super perceptive. I just knew if I didn't tell him he would get to class and start unpacking his supplies and notice fairly quickly that he had different items than the other kids. He would've immediately remembered showing me that paper the night before, and that would've caused him to feel like I deceived him in some way and I don't want him feeling that way about me. 

I heard him stirring in his room and knew I was going to have to break the news to him. I also knew it would end one of two ways. He would either laugh hysterically or he would get really upset. I braced myself, told him what I did, and to my delight he put his hands on his hips and said "I just KNEW IT MOM!" Then he started laughing straight from his belly. WHEW! What a relief. I didn't ruin the first day of school after all!

Of course, John P and Sophie had to get in on the pic action! My super sweet Sophomore was ready to see her friends again.

We gathered up Little John's haul and headed off to Fourth Grade. I just love this pic of him. He had the hardest time trying to open up his eyes in the bright morning sun but he gave it his very best try. 

After dropping him off, I rushed to H.E.B. and I was elated to see that they still had quite a few supplies left. I was able to get 98% of my list. Boy did I luck out on that one. It could've ended much differently and I am so grateful. I never want to go through that again! 

Next year, I promise to start back to school shopping in advance so it doesn't end with me in a frenzy. ;-)

Friday, August 19, 2016

Re-Baby Proofing Our Baby Proof House! It's Necessary...So Very Necessary

Oh Sophie, darling. My little hurricane. We call her our "Texas Tornado" for a host of reasons. Our latest challenge with her has been the baby proofing. She un proofed the baby proofing around the house. I have caught her going around the cabinets that were locked to get in to the ones that weren't locked because I thought nothing dangerous to a toddler was in them. She promptly scattered everything to the surrounding floor several times.

I found her covered in food coloring the other day. She has also somehow gained access to the cabinet that has pens and pencils in it. Let me tell you how much fun it is to scrub pencil off an entire hallway wall! She even discovered she is tall enough to open the candy drawer and just like lots of girls, chocolate is her favorite. Well it's a craving Dad has too so I keep mini chocolates in that drawer and Sophie went on SOME bender according to the wrappers I found. Not to forget that she is a dare devil. She climbs the baby gate. She climbs the baby gate to sneak into Mom's room and climb up to my vanity table where she applies eyeliner to her entire face and does her own little fashion show with my sunglasses. She does these things in the blink of an eye. I might be answering a question from an older kid or John P. Sometimes I am changing Emma's diaper and I promptly notice it's way too quiet. Quiet is dangerous with Sophie. It sends me scampering to find out where she is.
So we are having to upgrade to the better, stronger "proof" items. I went online to see what other options I had. It's been a good while since I bought "new" baby proofing stuff. I was using the items I saved from when I had Little John (he's 9 now). Boy have things changed! I was ecstatic to find I had so many other options and overwhelmed at the same time. Thank goodness for Amazon! I use their search feature to find what I need and rely on customer reviews to decide what and who to buy from. I chose this baby gate. It sits higher up and the bars are vertical so Sophie can't climb it! I love it so far! Sophie gives her smile of approval too! 

                                                                    This silly soul never ceases to make me giggle. As difficult as it has been to acclimate myself to her behavior I just know God has something special in mind for her! She melts my heart daily and I am grateful to be her Mom! Jonathan just came through the house and asked Little John to close the baby gate behind him since we have to have the house on "Death Con One". I can't argue. That's pretty accurate. 

Here's a photo of the gate we purchased in case you want to get one....
Regalo Deluxe Easy Step Extra Tall Gate in Black

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      You can even buy wall savers so the tension rods won't damage your walls! :-)
I also found some magnetic cabinet locks. These look super cool! I am hoping my darling husband will install them in the cabinets and drawers Sophie gravitates to this weekend so I can see if they work as awesome as they look like they will!

I also decided to try the upgraded option to the cabinet locks I was previously using. The older ones were made from mostly plastic. They worked fine but over time the plastic wore down and broke off as you tightened them to keep the cabinets secure so I was having to replace them often. The newer ones seem to be made from different material so we shall see how they hold up.

I want to stress to you that I DO NOT get paid to give reviews. I bought these items myself. I don't get anything from promoting these items NOR Amazon. My review and opinion is genuine. Let's just hope they pass the Sophie test!! Cheers to one less headache for a Mom of SIX!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

College...The Entering Freshman. My Son Isn't a Baby Anymore....

My son is going to college. That's good. My son is going to college and that's what HE wants to be doing at this stage in his life. That's GOLD. He is doing what he desires to do. He is able to to it. He is capable of doing it. I cannot tell you how proud that makes me. My childhood wasn't the best. I had to make hard choices based on the circumstances I was in at the time. I have wanted, more than anything else, for my kids to be able to choose their paths based on their wants and not based on escaping their horrors. Well, my oldest son is going to college because he WANTS to and I couldn't be happier for him. 

Getting accepted in to college isn't the end. There are so many steps left once you get accepted. I was so glad that my husband and I had the experience to pass on to Jonathan. He was feeling quite overwhelmed by the process but we kept re-assuring him and that seemed to suffice enough for him to keep his nose to the grindstone! I am thrilled that he wanted me by his side helping guide him. 

Here he is waiting for his Guidance Counselor to come and talk to him about what classes he needs to take this semester. I just LOVED her! Not only was she knowledgeable and friendly but apparently she is a Mickey Mouse fan! (Just like me!!)

This college definitely sets students up for success. For one example, they require entering freshmen to join a group with upperclassmen in it, so that they can seek out advice and help if they need it. These groups are branched off by the student's area of study. The student gets to choose the group. They also require weekly participation and meetings in that group.  The reason behind this is so that the student will make friends consisting of older peers that are in the same area of study they are. If Jonathan ever starts to struggle he can turn to these new and older peers for advice. I love that! 

I had Emma with me for most of our journeys to the college and Sophie at times also. It never fails when I take the older kids anywhere with myself and the younger ones people either assume the older kids are the parent of the baby or they assume I am the older kid's sister or maybe a friend. We have even had people ask if I am Jonathan's girlfriend?!?When they ask about the baby and find out I am Mom to older ones and new ones they always give us the crazy eyes. I also get lots of "You look GREAT for having six kids!!" compliments and that never gets old :-)

I can tell you this, it's a surreal life for me right now with Emma on my hip and Sophie hand in hand as I take Jonathan to get his college set up list done. It makes me hold the little ones tighter knowing that it all goes by way too fast and I will be doing this with them one day. 

No entering college Freshman experience is complete without a trip to the book store! 

This store has the cutest LU gear from baby stuff to Grandparent swag! I am such a total sell out so I HAD to get John and I DAD/MOM tees! I let Jonathan pick out some stuff too and I paid for it since he had to drop an INSANE amount on books. I wish you all could have been there to see the look on his face when the cashier gave him his total. I tried to warn him but I don't think it totally sunk in. All color drained from his face. Welcome to adulting SON!!
That was HOW MUCH?!?!?!?!?
Me in my new shirt!!

This kid has been saving up for this very day so he's proud that he could actually do that for himself and I was super proud too! Here's the cool thing. My oldest child Amber, worked at the restaurant Jonathan now works at when we moved here. So she was able to get him "in" with management. We go eat there as often as we can to show our support for our son just the way we did when Amber worked there and it brings back so many memories. Seeing Jonathan in the same uniform. My kids take great care of each other and they are lucky to have each other for siblings!

Jonny at work!!

I can't wait to see what the year holds for us a family and I can't wait to see what college life is like for my son! These are the memories that a lifetime is made of and I just love it!!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

I Was Asked to Do a LIVE FEED On Facebook! For a Cause! Hear Me Share My Story!

Eeeeeeeeek! I'm TERRIFIED! For so many reasons. First, let me just say I have debated sharing my story in this very blog for so many reasons. Second, going LIVE ANYWHERE terrifies me! Plus, I ramble when I get nervous.... Third, I have only recently been able to share bits and pieces of my story with ANYONE outside my tight inner circle at all. I know what you're thinking. "Lady, what story? What ARE you talking about?" Well here goes nothing and everything. I am a victim of childhood sexual abuse. 

There.... I said it. 

A good friend of mine is doing a month long Facebook Event for a project she is passionate about called #defendinnocence which is a project that was started to help educate, prevent, and heal all those affected by child hood sexual abuse. She messaged me and asked if I would be willing to share my story LIVE in her event. Naturally I started sweating. Then I promptly got nauseous and immediately called my husband in a panic. Of course he totally supported whatever I decided to do. Vivian tells me to go for it! All I have ever wanted was to help anyone I can through my experiences. If I can benefit even ONE PERSON by sharing my story then I will do it! I decided to go LIVE to tell all my friends on Facebook that I was going LIVE.... (insert dumbfounded faced Emoji here)

August 21st at 7PM CST I will share my story with anyone and everyone that attends this event. I am definitely scared. I am worried about backlash. Every time I have spoken aloud about what happened to me, I get a huge heap of it! I am antsy about talking on the subject because I have such a huge family to consider. I don't want anyone giving any of my kids a hard time over this. But I feel the need to do it. I have the support of my friends and family so I will forge ahead. 

This is a subject that needs voices. For so long it was not "OK" to even talk about. The stats are heart breaking to say the least. 1 in 3 girls will be a victim of child hood sexual abuse before the age of 18. Stats for boys? 1 in 4. Seriously? That many...... It makes me SICK to say the least. My story is pretty crazy. My childhood was pretty crazy too. I invite you all to hear me tell my story. Just click here and join the event. If you have any problems getting in, let me know. 

In the meantime, check out the Defend Innocence website to see how you can help! Prevention is KEY and come watch me LIVE! I need all the support I can get!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Zoo Keeper Let Me OUT For The Night! What Did I Decide To Do? Have a Mom/Son Movie Date...Here's Our Family Review (No Spoilers, PROMISE)

Having a breastfeeding baby whose Mom stays at home with her ALL DAY means I can't manage to get away from home much without kids. Which I have become some what accustomed to these days. I am mostly OK with it but, I am a HUGE movie fan so...needless to say, there are times when a movie I am just DYING to see has come out and I have to wait for it on Blu-Ray or DVD to see it. It can be a bummer once in a while. When Suicide Squad came out, I made sure not to watch any trailers because I knew I would be sad. When Vivian kept talking to me about how much she wanted to see it I decided to tell my husband to take her and Little John. Just because I have to miss it doesn't mean they should have to. I stayed at home with the younger two girls and waited to hear back from the three that got to go whether the movie was amazing or not. 

I knew right off the bat that John P (husband) and Vivian would tell me it was awful once they went whether it was or not. My husband and daughter are very "in tune" with me in that way. I knew they would try to save me from being sad that I couldn't go. I have missed several New Releases by allowing them to go when I couldn't because I was home with babies. HOWEVER, I always know to ask Little John when I want the truth about stuff like that. That kid has the hardest time telling a lie. His face gives him away. As soon as he tries and I see "that face" and give him "the look" I can tell he isn't telling me the truth so, he is opting to tell the truth right off the bat these days. With MOM anyway! 

As soon as they walk in the door I see Little John by himself for a moment so I quickly ask him "How was the movie son?" He says "Great Mom. It was really, really good." He looks proud of himself as he walks away. Of course John P and Vivian walk in and say nothing. I find out the next day that my husband has asked the kids to tell me the movie was awful, just as I suspected. So that I wouldn't feel like I missed out. Little John told Dad he wasn't agreeing to that. It wasn't the truth and he didn't feel comfortable with it. He expressed his need to tell Mom the truth if she asked. Well, of course I did! Below is their honest Q&A answers about the movie itself. No movie spoilers! I promise!

John P (husband) Review and Q & A:
1. Who was your favorite character: "Dead Shot"
2. If you could be any character from the movie, who would you be?: "El Diablo"
3. What was your favorite song in the movie? "Ballroom Blitz"
4. How many stars do you give the movie between 1-5? "FIVE"

Vivian Review and Q & A:
1. Who was your favorite character: "Enchantress"
2. If you could be any character from the movie, who would you be?: "Harley Quinn"
3. What was your favorite song in the movie? "Ballroom Blitz"
4. How many stars do you give the movie between 1-5? "4 stars"
5. Why not FIVE stars? "Because I don't "ship" (means support in teen lingo) a "toxic" relationship between HQ and Joker that's WHY!" (Good for you GIRLIE!)

Little John Review and Q & A:
1. Who was your favorite character: "Deadshot"
 2. If you could be any character from the movie, who would you be?: "Deadshot"
3. What was your favorite song in the movie? "Heathens"
4. How many stars do you give the movie between 1-5? "FIVE"

A couple of days goes by and my husband sends me a text. He wants me to go see the movie. Even though the movie is long. Even though I feel the need to stay by Emma's side for whenever she wants to breastfeed. Even though I am a TOTAL helicopter Mom. He tells me he can handle it and he WANTS me to have some fun. I fully trust his ability to care for his daughter. I decide to go. Since my son, Jonathan hasn't seen it either. I invited him too and decide to make it a Mommy/Son date! Here are our reviews. Again, no spoilers. I wouldn't do that to you guys!

Myself and Jonathan at the movies!!

Jonathan Review and Q & A:
1. Who was your favorite character: "Deadshot"
 2. If you could be any character from the movie, who would you be?: "Deadshot"
3. What was your favorite song in the movie? "I don't know MOM. I don't really pay attention to music when it's in a movie!"
4. How many stars do you give the movie between 1-5? "SIX. Make sure you put SIX! I want people to know how awesome it was!" (OK, son. Ok. I put SIX...Sheesh)

My Review and Q & A:

1. Who was your favorite character: "Harley Quinn"
 2. If you could be any character from the movie, who would you be?: "Enchantress"
3. What was your favorite song in the movie? "Heathens by 21 Pilots"
4. How many stars do you give the movie between 1-5? "4 1/2"
5. Why not FIVE stars? "Well, I wasn't a big fan of some of the language used. Harley Quinn specifically then some of the other characters here and there. The movie would've been just as great without that part."

Overall, the movie scored pretty high with the family and the night out for ME scored at 100!! Nights out are scarce for me and it felt great to have some one on one time with Jonathan. He's ALWAYS a delight! (Even though Mom paid for it). Someday he will be taking ME out, right?  

Friday, August 5, 2016

A Sweet Angel Baby and Her Mommy Need Our Prayers...

I have a story to tell. Get your tissues ready. Just a warning. It's not my story but it needs to be told. This sweet baby and Momma need as many good vibes, thoughts, and prayers going UP as they can possibly get! Parents, take some time in your day to think about this family.... 

Let me start by telling you how I know Crystal. I worked with her several years ago. She was a super hard worker. A pleasure to be around. A huge hearted person that helped you without being asked to and has a spirit made from gold. Personality for days and beautiful inside and out. I moved on from that job and then we moved away but I kept up with her, as I do many of my friends from back home, mostly through social media. I cannot tell you how delighted I was when I saw her post that she was pregnant one day! 

I knew she would make a GREAT Momma. For many reasons, including the way she had already been doting on her sweet little nephew for YEARS!
Nephew isn't so sure he's ready for his Aunt to have her attention else where yet!!

I was gushing from my phone as I saw her post these pictures revealing the baby's gender! I knew that little girl was destined to become a baby diva! I watched as Momma and Daddy shopped for baby. Blankets were made, outfits were purchased and name was picked out!

Such a special time for any expectant first time Mom! The day came and baby was born. She was as beautiful as I expected her to be. Just like Mom. Just look at Mommy and Daddy gushing over this sweet angel! Welcome to the world Kynlee Jaide! 
Born 6-28-16!!!

Not long after Miss Kynlee was born, Crystal posts that she needs prayers. Something is wrong with baby but they haven't been told what and brand new baby Kynlee is being transferred to NICU to figure things out. No worries. Lots of things are easily fixed so I held my breath and held out hope. Then things took a turn. Baby isn't doing so well. Something is wrong with her HEART. Though they aren't sure what. Mom said "Please say a prayer!" Done Momma. Done. Then Mom posts this on her Facebook with caption "Wishing I could hold you like this right now"..... How terrifying for a new MOM!!
We all wish you could be holding her like this too!!

Fighting gloves purchased by PAPA for his little Grand-fighter!

The doctor's quickly discovered that Baby Kynlee suffered a blood clot in her left culinary artery. Her heart isn't functioning properly and she needs a transplant. She is most definitely fighting for her LIFE!

The hospital she was born in needed to transfer her to a bigger/better hospital. That hospital is capable of putting her on the transplant list and operating when the time comes. So baby and Mommy move over to Texas Children's Hospital in Houston Texas. That's 4 1/2 hours away from home. They are hoping to get approval from the doctor's there that Kynlee is a candidate for transplant surgery!
This little angel is so precious! 
Baby is transferred to the hospital in Houston. All hopes are up! Surely this sweet little snuggler qualifies for a transplant! The Doctors run their tests and give word to the parents. Apparently, little Kynlee has liver problems as well. Her kidneys took a big hit due to her other issues. Giving her a new heart in her present condition is risky because she could end up in organ failure anyway. The doctors cannot recommend her for transplant at this time. She can't even be "considered" for the transplant unless her condition improves. What she needs right now is US! As many souls as she can get to pray, think of her, send positive thoughts and good vibes her way as we can manage. I am a firm believer in miracles. I believe in the power of prayer. So I beg of you to pray, pray, pray. Most of all, share her story! 

There is a Go Fund Me set up to help this family. Prior to having their daughter both Mom and Dad had jobs and worked hard! The future is unknown for this family and they are 4 1/2 hours away from home. Donate if you can but most importantly, pray. 

Crystal (Mom) says that prayers are what is most important to the family right now. So please share Kynlee's story and ask everyone you know to send as many prayers and good vibes her way that they can possibly muster up!

With Mommy by her side every step of the way. We believe in you Kynlee! Little fighter! Destined to be a typical Disney lover, her favorite movie is "Frozen". When the nurses put that movie on for her, her eyes light up and it eventually lulls her to sleep. SOOOOO sweet!!

Comment below and let this family know you are thinking of them! Here's the link to the Go Fund Me!! SHARE SHARE SHARE!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Thankful...and The Appointment with the Specialist

 The day has come to go see the specialist about the weird symptoms I have been having and the abnormal blood work. I was SUPER NERVOUS. I just kept over thinking. I kept praying. I have too many people, big and small, relying on me to end up getting sick and not be able to take care of them... I enlisted Vivian to go with me for moral support. That means Sophie had to tag along as well. That's always entertaining!

You can view Sophie here, starting to throw a toddler tantrum because she didn't feel like smiling and didn't want me taking her picture! 

Emma was well behaved. So far, she is a really chill baby. She's down for whatever as long as she doesn't have to stray too far away from MOM!

The doctor went over my blood work and scheduled me for follow up blood work and an ultrasound. He thinks it could be a slight thyroid abnormality. He isn't concerned and says it could just be from a hormonal imbalance often caused by having a baby. WOW! I was so relieved! He sent me for labs and scheduled the ultrasound to confirm everything. 

The lab techs were so nice! Needles don't bother me. Sophie insisted on sitting in my lap so I was worried seeing me get poked would upset her. She got upset with the lab tech for "hurting" me so the lab tech gave her a matching "booboo". (She put a cotton ball and tape of Sophie's color choice on her arm like mine!) Sophie was delighted and showed it off to everyone that would look!

Just a few hours later my phone rings and the nurse from the Specialist's office calls to let me know my blood work is back to NORMAL RANGE! I will still need to get the ultrasound just to be safe but whatever my thyroid was doing has gone away!! YAY!! 

I cannot tell you how thankful I am. I was NOT ready to have something go wrong with me. I know having health issues is inevitable at some point but, I am sure glad I'm ok NOW! Back to life as normal! Or normal for US anyway...

Later in the evening approaches and decisions have to be made. Having kids within a massive age range presents obstacles at times. Vivian wants to go to this Poetry Slam at the Logon Cafe which is a local tavern/pub atmosphere here where we live. Well that sounds super fun to me! I love poetry. This kid is so much like me it amazes me at times and I crave spending time enjoying our interests together. The challenge is, the event starts at 8pm and that is Emma's bedtime. She isn't demanding about much except sleep time. When she gets tired she wants to be breastfed and then rocked by Mom and when she decides she wants it, she wants it NOW. So I tell my husband about it and my desire to make sure Vivian gets to go. I tell him how much I would love to go and voice my concerns about the baby. I can tell you this, poetry isn't my husband's "thing". Not by a long shot. Yet he immediately volunteers to take Vivian. 

I am sitting at home with the youngest two girls and I log on to Facebook and see he has posted this pic and is talking about how proud of her he is. Then this morning, both he and Vivian told me all about the event and how much fun they had and I am grateful that I couldn't go. I am happy they got to experience this together and so thankful that they enjoyed each other's company. It's so very important for Dads to have bonding time with their daughters! 

Check out the link to see the Logon Cafe and the other events they have there. I think this might end up being a favorite of Vivian's and I can't wait to see what other experiences her and John P have together!