Monday, March 13, 2017

Center Stage Style of the Week-Volume 6

As I wind down the Center Stage Style of the Week Series, I want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone that participated and everyone that read the posts. It's been a lot of fun. I'll be doing just a few more and then the series will go in to retirement until next season as we get ready for Summer time around here! 

I have such a fun guest for you today. She is a very sweet girl I met through mutual Facebook friends. She's an Associate Director with Keep Collective. I have ordered special custom pieces from her to represent my Boutique, my hobbies and special interests and I LOVE everything Keep has. I also love that many of their pieces mean something inspiring. 

Give a warm welcome to....

Amanda Nabbefeld!!

Amanda actually helped me design my very first Keep. She loves helping people create things that mean something to them. 

This Keep represents my business! One of my favorite things about Keep is, these bands are reversible! I can get several looks out of this set that I purchased. 

Amanda is also a Momma with a son that plays Baseball so naturally, she chose the "Love the Game" Baseball Tee to star the Center Stage this week!
Amanda had this to say about why she loves this tee!

"I am a baseball loving Mom and my favorite color is red. I am not a fancy dresser and this is totally my style!"

It's a must for you to check out Keep and what it's all about. I'll be ordering frequently. I can think of a list of people that I buy gifts for that would love to have a piece designed by me just for them. If you need help designing, Amanda LOVES to help her clients AND Keep has this awesome design studio on their website too. You can click around and add and remove items until your Keep is exactly the way you want it. It's tons of fun!

Here's Amanda's link!

Need to play catch up on the series? Check out the previous volumes of Center Stage Style of the Week!

If you want to check out the tee from this post, click here .

Until next time and as always, love to you all!


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