Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Blog FUSION! A Guest Is Here To Kidnap My Blog! (Warning-It's a Laugh Out Loud Read)

I have a treat for you today! My blog friend and writer extraordinaire is BACK! 

You might remember Susan Leighton. A full time writer with a fabulous blog and a gift for writing. She's an award winning blogger who has been given the Liebster Award and the Versatile Blogger Award so I am THRILLED to have her here at The Sassy Grace N Charm Life. 

She had so much fun participating in the Center Stage Style of the Week that she wanted to come back and give her two cents on the upcoming fashion trends coming from New York. I must issue a warning though. Her writings of this nature tend to make you belly laugh. If you happen to be at work or somewhere that requires quiet, please don't send me a message when you read this and get yourself in trouble. There...warning issued! Here we go....

Woman on the Ledge Takes the Cat Walk at NYFW Spring 2017
Hi everyone! I am Susan Leighton from Woman on the Ledge ( Stacey was so gracious in allowing me to take over her blog. Since this is an online shop, I thought I would take a look at some of the trends that were featured at New York Fashion Week. The topic is Spring 2017. So, let’s kick back, have a few vodkatinis and take a look at what the designers have to offer.

Apparently, stripes are in! I am okay with this because I like to take risks. I enjoy flamboyant colors. However, I am not on board with these dresses at all. 

Where do I begin? Well, the only dress I can tolerate is the one on the right. It’s simple and looks like an actual woman would wear it. The offering on the left with the Frankenstein sandals is another story. At least I know what to do with my old shower curtains now! Who knew fashion could provide me with a life hack? Oh, and please, just say no to feathered boas on anything. I’m serious. 

Of course, it wouldn’t be spring without flowers. While these dresses look super comfortable and I don’t have a particular problem with the patterns, I feel like these are the results of crossing my Grandmother’s housecoats with Laura Ingalls’ frocks on Little House on the Prairie. I am not feeling like reliving the granny dresses of the 70’s. It was groovy and everything but I’ve moved on. So should the designers. Just say no.

The next category is called “Dressed for Success.” This might be applicable if you are a Kardashian or a stripper. Just try wearing one of these suits for a business meeting. You will capture attention. It might not be the type of attention you are seeking. Nothing says professional like no shirt. 

Now we are down to the fun category of “Bad Girls.” All I can say is if wearing sandals and socks qualify someone to be cool than my Dad would have been the king of awesome. That middle outfit is a hot mess. Honestly, where would you wear it? Oh, right. It would be perfect if you were going for that I am starring in Rob Zombie’s production of Amadeus. The ensemble on the far right looks like Sons of Anarchy meets 50 Shades of Grey. I can just picture me wearing that to the local Kroger. 

I guess the runway gurus have entitled this next effort, “Updated Oxfords.” Now, before you see the actual togs, you may be thinking, “That sounds normal. Maybe I might wear this to meet friends for coffee or to go to the mall.” Well, you would be wrong. All of these shirts and dresses look like the designer got crazy with a chainsaw and decided to randomly cut pieces of fabric for that “I have been ravaged by a gang of pirates” look. Or in the case of the dress in the middle, “I didn’t have a thing to wear so I just whipped something together with old bedsheets. Egyptian cotton is to die for.” 

Well, that wraps it up for my take on New York Fashion week 2017.  My rule has always been wear what makes you comfortable and create your own style. If you like some of the ideas here, great. Use them.
It has been great fun chatting with you guys but I have to motor. A fashionista’s job is never done.  Thanks again to Stacey for stepping aside while I took over her blog. It’s been a blast! 

My dear girl, Susan. I am taking notes of what NOT to stock in my online boutique, as I read. 😉

Thanks to Susan for stopping by! You should go check out her blog It's always an enjoyable read. Also, if you LOVE horror, she contributes to a horror site called 1428 Elm as well. 

I hope you all enjoyed having Susan here with us again. Until next time, love to you all!


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