Friday, March 4, 2016

Birth Story Part 2...Let me GO HOME!!

I can't really say that I hate hospitals. After giving birth, I just prefer to do my healing at home where I can be in my own bed and be with my family. I will tell you this, my stay at the Medical Center wasn't bad at all! I had AWESOME CARE by both the Doctors and Nurses and the night nurses only came in when they HAD to.... I was very grateful for that! 

After giving birth I was in the L&D room for a short time then moved to Post Partum. At about 4am I had to SHOOO my husband out the door. He looked BEAT. I sent him home to rest and re-coop. He didn't want to leave but I had nurses to take care of me and I need him to not over do things. And take care of himself too. What to do when your husband is sad because he can't be with you every minute in the hospital? You send funny texts! Or, that's what we do anyway!!

Emma came out READY to breastfeed. She hasn't had ANY issues other than....she was starting to get slightly miffed that Mom's milk hadn't "come in" yet....I mean geez EMMA. You were JUST BORN. Give Mom a minute!

The morning I had Emma I had great visits with both the pediatrician and my delivery doc who said everything was looking AWESOME and Emma and I could go home after the mandatory 24 hour hold. I couldn't have been more excited! 

My oldest daughter went by the house and grabbed all the kids, loaded them in the car, and brought them to see me. I was full of emotion. Having all of my kids in the room. Having 5 kids has been super hectic at times but I wouldn't change it. 

Sophie and Vivian holding Emma... I have some awesome kids... I hope they know how much I love them... 

Then the nurse came in to tell me I get a special "Mommy Dinner" to be delivered to my room that evening for Mommy PLUS ONE... And she took my order. What a neat thing to do! In all honesty, the food wasn't bad. This hospital allows you to "call in" your order for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then they deliver it up to you. It was fantastic!

For the Mommy Dinner, I chose steak. My husband hadn't been able to eat one in forever and it's his favorite. So I decided to cater to him a bit. It turned out GREAT! 

I couldn't have been happier. Healthy, happy baby. Healthy, happy Mommy...and dinner with Daddy. What a miracle!!

The next morning, the Doctor's both signed off on our release and the nurse reported above average test results for Emma! (Way 2 go you little overachiever!) Then we packed up and headed home! 

Getting pretty for going home!!

I could tell my husband was glad to be taking us home. And I cannot tell you how excited I was to be going home. That was the first time I had ever spent a night away from Sophie. So I was anxious to love on her!

We packed the new little snuggler in her car seat and we were on our way!

When I got home, Sophie met me at the back gate. When she saw my face she ran to me at the car and gave me the biggest hug and kiss and I melted. Time to start our adjusting to life as a family of 8!! Let the adventures begin!

For all you Mommies wondering what to pack for the hospital, here's a link to the list I used. After having 6 kids I can tell you, every list I have seen has you WAY over packing. This list is short and sweet and I still found I didn't need a lot of the stuff. This is definitely the list I recommend for you!

What items did you pack for your birth stay that you actually used? 
What items did you pack that weren't really needed?

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