I am pretty fond of my baby sister. I know what you are thinking. "Well I am too. That's nothing special and what does that have to do with this blog post?" Stay with me here. My little sister and I have a bond that is different than most. Our story isn't simple or "normal" by any means. I won't get in to the details right now about why our story is special but trust me when I tell you that I adore her in a way normal siblings can't understand (recall me saying I had a pretty horrible childhood?). Every moment I can spend with her is precious.
What does that have to do with my birthday surprise you ask? Everything! Let me fill you in on just how my sister and my best birthday are one in the same. My husband, kids and I moved to Southeast TX about five years ago. We moved away from my sister and her family at a time when we had just recently been able to reside close to each other after years of being apart. It was a move we had to do. Yet I was so sad to be leaving her and her clan. After we had to move I looked forward to any visits back home and with my sister, her spouse and my niece. For a time we were able to visit them about once a month but we came upon some financial hardships and hadn't been able to visit for a long while. I was sullen about it, especially most recently, though I hadn't voiced it to anyone in my household.
My birthday is September 5th. This year, that meant it would be on a four day weekend. Labor Day and my birthday would be the same day which was super cool to me! I was looking forward to just chilling with the husband and kids for a long weekend.
A few days before the Holiday Weekend, my husband and I were sitting in the living room watching TV and my husband turns to me and says "Do you want to go visit your sister for your birthday?"
To some, that might be an average question. Definitely something to perk your feathers up for. It affected me some what differently. As soon as he finished the word "sister" I started bawling. He thought he did something wrong. How does he know me so well? I explained through the tears the importance of his offer and he couldn't have been more proud of himself as a husband in that moment. It's something I don't think either one of us will forget. I immediately checked with my sibling to make sure they didn't have any plans and when she replied and I told her we were coming, she was beside herself too. Let the prep work begin! It's never easy taking this many people anywhere. Let alone some place we will have to be gone a few days away from home. I was more than happy to do it though!
Every day my sister and I reminded each other it was almost time to visit! By the time Friday Morning arrived, the family and I couldn't wait to get on the road! I was so anxious to get there. I had to find something to do while everyone else was napping so I worked on my phone, handled some business, then I decided to play with Snap Chat.....
I would like to personally thank filters for always making me look awesome. ;-)
My sister actually expected us later in the evening so she was delighted to find that we were going to arrive around dinner time. Her favorite thing to do is take us to all the nifty eateries she and her spouse discover and we love going to these places too! We don't have the amount of options here that she does in Ft Worth so we are always eager to see what they have in store for us!

Plus, we did end up having an unwanted visitor. Vivian discovered a spider crawling on her and her knee jerk reaction was to smack it away. I am TERRIBLY afraid of spiders! So we searched to see if we could spot it after she flung it and NOPE! We couldn't. I felt kind of creeped out after that and was uneasy. Then Sophie got out of her chair and walked over to me. She started pointing and shrieking! I looked where she was pointing and that spider was lowering himself via spidey web from the table to my LEG!! (UH UH!!) I SCREAMED and my husband came to my rescue! Then the whole patio full of people started staring and we couldn't stop laughing. All nine of us. I think that made them stare more. We didn't care. We never do! The fun train has arrived people!!
Then it was back home to my sisters' house to get the little ones in bed.
My daughter (and Mom to my first Grand-baby) sent me a text reminding me that these little babes have been vacationing together since way back. It melts my heart. They are 4 months apart and attached to each other. Yet they are very different. Please refer to the picture of Sophie throwing a fit because she wants to party till the break of dawn while Amelia (the Grand-baby) just wants to relax, watch some "baby" shows and drift off to sleep. Sophie is most definitely the wild one in the bunch.
Hello DFW, the Dominguez Squad has arrived! We are off to a great start! Amazing birthday weekend, we are here! I can't wait to share the rest with you! Here's a link to check out Chuy's Restaurant in case you ever want to explore one near you!
Please know that I DID NOT get paid to promote ANY of the places you see here. These are honest opinions of places we chose to visit on our own... So check them out with confidence and if you do, send me a comment or message and let me know what you think too!
Please share with me!
What are YOUR "go to" spots to visit when you go "back home"?
Comment and share! Part two to come soon!!
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