John and I both had check ups this week! Mine was pretty uneventful! My doc didn't check for progress this time baby news to report. Other than, I STILL haven't finished packing my hospital bag. I don't have an explanation other's some kind of mind thing at this point. I think the bag and I are in some sort of stand off. Right now I am winning so...yeah. That's all I got! I'll probably be throwing the rest of what I need in it as I am panicking to get out the door before I give birth in the closet. Because that's how I roll!!
John's check up went great! His original surgeon was there this time. Back for a day in the office after having her precious baby. She gave us lots of info. AND took the rest of John's staples out! Which has enabled him to be able to sit up more comfortably for longer amounts of time! Below you will see him in his favorite chair....doing TAXES?!?!?! Yes, the taxes...of all the things he could've chosen to do. He wanted to get them done. Well, ok then. Be responsible and ADULT if you must!
After messing with that FUN STUFF and sitting up longer than he has been able to, he was ready for nap. But I am pretty sure anybody needs a nap after doing their taxes.. HEHHEHEHEHHE!!
I must say, Sophie has been way more patient about being dragged to doctor appointments then I thought she would. Most of the time, while I am waiting to be seen, I have to spend my waiting time keeping her busy. When I do find that I have a moment or two to myself, I scroll through a magazine or two and try to catch some recipes. I take a pic with my phone so I can go home and look them up later in more detail. This time at the baby doc I found this one....
I LOVE adding quick and easy recipes to my arsenal and I usually keep some sausage like this in my freezer so I will be trying this recipe soon! I will post the link below in case you want to check it out!!
We woke up Wednesday to NO CHECK UPS...NO APPOINTMENTS... NOTHING.
I think all three of us (John, Sophie, and myself) were quite relieved! We have been going and going and going so much that we forgot what JUST getting to stay home was like!
So Sophie likes to spend her days minus a lot of toddlers do. In addition, she thinks when Mommy chews ice, she gets to chew ice... This child.... that's all I can say!
She's the sweetest little thing when she isn't in full blown toddler mode!
I will continue to go to the doctor weekly until Miss Emma decides to join the rest of us on the "outs"...while John won't have to go back until March. So life might be some what quieter for us...for now...until we have a newborn to add to the "collection"....
We seem to be enjoying more moments of normal around here. It's such a relief to get back to that!! Check out Sophie waiting for a homemade Peanut Butter/Chocolate Milkshake...via Mom's Magic Bullet! I love her face!!
"Why is this magical milkshake maker taking so loooong MOM!!??"
Maybe next time I update, I will have my hospital bag packed.. Advice to you... don't hold your breath or anything. Ya might pass out!!
Comment with your favorite quick fix recipes!! I would love to see what tricks you have up your sleeve!!
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