Thursday, February 25, 2016

Just when I thought this would go smoothly.....

I had another check up at the baby doc this past Tuesday and things didn't quite go as expected.

My newest little snuggler and I need your good thoughts, vibes, and prayers. My last 2 pregnancies were rough, to say the least. Preeclampsia became an issue with them, causing me to give birth early once (Little John), have an extended hospital stay with Sophie (the one that is now 2) and now, right here at the end, my body has decided to turn on me once again!

My blood pressure has spiked and I have some other concerning symptoms. The hope was that my body was showing some signs of progression towards labor so that the doc could admit me and induce me such luck. I haven't progressed AT ALL! Trying to induce me when my body isn't ready at all puts me at higher risk for stroke. So he doesn't want to go that route yet. He is trying to give my body more time.

 Here's a little info on Preeclampsia for those that have never heard of it....

I am now on a "modified" bed rest plan. I have to keep a constant watch over my blood pressure (I have a cuff at home due to my past history) and if it goes above a certain number, I report to my doc and he admits me to the hospital. If it stays at a certain range I have to stay off my feet and be in rest mode. If it lowers, I can be off my feet "some" but, he wants me mostly taking it easy at this point. We will look in to inducing if my body is ready next week. 

I just want to get through this last time with no issues. One more time body!! Come on! We can do this!! 

This is an old sono pic of Emma... I just want her here safely so I can snuggle her... 

In addition to the health issues, the fact that these past few weeks of being pregnant with all the added stress has made me a MOODY MONSTER!! I actually sat down and cried today because Sophie spilled orange juice EVERYWHERE!! Yes, I bawled my eyes out! Ok, and I'm not ashamed to admit it!!

And this pretty much sums up how I am feeling these days....

At least I still have a sense of humor! I was playing with Sophie today on her mini Magna Doodle...and decided to draw a pic of Daddy before then after surgery...

He's lost so much weight....this is actually pretty accurate! 

And then this one has to be my favorite... 

On the left is Daddy, smiling...because he's all happy Mom is pregnant again...the arrow shows "You did this to me!" Then there is me turned sideways... Uh Huh.... That's pretty accurate too... (I showed Daddy my drawings and he was pretty impressed! .....snickers....)

My blood pressure has actually been on the lower side since yesterday so I ventured out to Little John's Blue/Gold Boy Scout Dinner this evening. It was a treat for me. I really haven't gotten out much this entire pregnancy. Sometimes I forget how nice it is to visit with other adults in person!!

Well, for now it's a waiting game!! I'll be so glad when this birth story is over and Emma is here safe and sound! Send lots of good thoughts our way!!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Vivian's Photography Passion and Lord Protect This Tree!!

Today was a pretty nice day! 

In the words of Will Ferrell from the movie Old School, "Uhm, actually a pretty nice little Saturday!"

My 14 year old daughter, Vivian is taking photography this year. She is LOVING IT so far. Today, she had an opportunity to earn some extra credit in that class by attending an event at the local mall here being put on by the Beaumont Camera Club. 

I thought that might also be a great opportunity to walk the mall the hopes that it would encourage Emma to proceed to exit!!

For Vivian it was "Mission Accomplished". For Emma and I, we are still very much attached. I enjoyed being able to take Vivian to this event either way. There were some pretty amazing pictures!

Vivian did her voting. Here were just a couple of the ones that caught my eye!

If you're interested in seeing more of the camera club's work, or if you are local and want to see other events they have coming up, check out the link below!!

I came home worn out from walking and in need of a nap. Then after resting it was time to tackle replanting this TREE! Anyone remember the "Charlie Brown Christmas Tree" from the hospital?

My husband's employer sent him this amazing tree while he was recovering from surgery! I loved it the minute I saw it. It has character. And I LOVE anything with character. Fits right in around here! So, the kids and I decided to decorate it with home made ornaments for John to keep his spirits up while he was still hospitalized! Each ornament says something sweet, uplifting, or just plain sarcastic...cause that's what we do here!! John really loved it and got lots of compliments from everyone that came in to his room...

The tree couldn't stay in the temporary pot it came in forever so I got some supplies together and decided to conquer that little project today! 

For those of you that don't know me, whatever thumb color is OPPOSITE from green, that's me. I kill plant life. It makes me sad. But it's the truth. Please say a prayer for this sweet guy that he makes it! I really like having him around!!

I mean, it's a low maintenance plant so, chances are good. Keeping my fingers, toes, and anything else I can find crossed!!

The sad little highlight of our day was when the FedEx Man delivered John's new Colostomy Supplies!! (He was on the last of the sample supplies for his preferred method of dealing with his new "friend" and this had him in quite a concerned state.) 

You know you are TOTALLY adulting when these things make your day better!!

As far as progression with the baby, I'm sitting as comfortably as expected for now. I don't anticipate having the baby today. Though today makes 39 weeks. Emma likes where she is at and I can't imagine why! Seems likes she's more cramped in there then ever these days! Oh well. I have some energy tonight so maybe I can get a few things done while I wait!

Have any gardening advice for me? I would LOVE to hear it!! Comment below!!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Check Ups and Rest and MAYBE Some Normal Around Here For a Change!!

John and I both had check ups this week! Mine was pretty uneventful! My doc didn't check for progress this time baby news to report. Other than, I STILL haven't finished packing my hospital bag. I don't have an explanation other's some kind of mind thing at this point. I think the bag and I are in some sort of stand off. Right now I am winning so...yeah. That's all I got! I'll probably be throwing the rest of what I need in it as I am panicking to get out the door before I give birth in the closet. Because that's how I roll!!

John's check up went great! His original surgeon was there this time. Back for a day in the office after having her precious baby. She gave us lots of info. AND took the rest of John's staples out! Which has enabled him to be able to sit up more comfortably for longer amounts of time! Below you will see him in his favorite chair....doing TAXES?!?!?! Yes, the taxes...of all the things he could've chosen to do. He wanted to get them done. Well, ok then. Be responsible and ADULT if you must!

After messing with that FUN STUFF and sitting up longer than he has been able to, he was ready for nap. But I am pretty sure anybody needs a nap after doing their taxes.. HEHHEHEHEHHE!!

I must say, Sophie has been way more patient about being dragged to doctor appointments then I thought she would. Most of the time, while I am waiting to be seen, I have to spend my waiting time keeping her busy. When I do find that I have a moment or two to myself, I scroll through a magazine or two and try to catch some recipes. I take a pic with my phone so I can go home and look them up later in more detail. This time at the baby doc I found this one....

I LOVE adding quick and easy recipes to my arsenal and I usually keep some sausage like this in my freezer so I will be trying this recipe soon! I will post the link below in case you want to check it out!!

We woke up Wednesday to NO CHECK UPS...NO APPOINTMENTS... NOTHING. 

I think all three of us (John, Sophie, and myself) were quite relieved! We have been going and going and going so much that we forgot what JUST getting to stay home was like!

So Sophie likes to spend her days minus a lot of toddlers do. In addition, she thinks when Mommy chews ice, she gets to chew ice... This child.... that's all I can say!

She's the sweetest little thing when she isn't in full blown toddler mode! 

I will continue to go to the doctor weekly until Miss Emma decides to join the rest of us on the "outs"...while John won't have to go back until March. So life might be some what quieter for us...for now...until we have a newborn to add to the "collection".... 

We seem to be enjoying more moments of normal around here. It's such a relief to get back to that!! Check out Sophie waiting for a homemade Peanut Butter/Chocolate Milkshake...via Mom's Magic Bullet! I love her face!! 

"Why is this magical milkshake maker taking so loooong MOM!!??"

Maybe next time I update, I will have my hospital bag packed.. Advice to you... don't hold your breath or anything. Ya might pass out!! 

Comment with your favorite quick fix recipes!! I would love to see what tricks you have up your sleeve!!


Monday, February 15, 2016

Nesting!!! And Resting Away Our Valentine's Weekend!

OK, I know I said I needed some major rest that I intended to partake in this past 3 day weekend that my kids had off from school. But my pregnant body does what it does. I woke up Friday morning after FINALLY getting some decent sleep and NESTING kicked in BIG TIME!! 

I scrubbed stuff, I bleached stuff....

Then I boiled stuff!!

I washed almost every dirty laundry item in the house...
I had so much energy it was ridiculous! Nesting...or maybe just the good night's sleep. I'm not sure! But it was nice to get the house tidy again. It had been a LONG WHILE since I was able to work like that. I always feel pretty lousy through the entire pregnancy (yes...every single one). And this time I am 37 years old, with a house full of kids and a toddler to chase so..I was pretty drained the entire time. Then John got sick too so....The house has been pretty messy and it's been driving me NUTS!!

I even worked on packing my hospital bag a little!! As of today, it's almost done!! 

On Saturday I was pretty exhausted all day! All the work the day before left me sore and tired. John, myself and the toddler got a GREAT NAP in! Might as well soak it up till the new baby gets here!

Then on Valentine's Day, Vivian (the 14 year old) and I made a trip to the grocery store and when we came back home, there was a surprise waiting for me in the driveway on the wall...

Let me share with you guys, I HATE anything creepy crawly! I scream! I shout! I FREAK OUT!! Vivian saw a lizard climbing on the wall right next to my car door....and told me "Mom! Don't get out! The lizard might jump on you! I got you!"

Then she proceeded to come to my rescue!

She is attempting to "shoo" it away from my car door so I can get out!! 

See how freaked out I get? You can barely see the tiny thing BUT it might as well have weighed 800 lbs if you asked me!

Thank you, Vivian, for being my teen superhero!

We had picked up some movies from Redbox and a cookie cake so we lazed around, had a sweet treat and enjoyed a family movie! 

I hadn't gotten to see Jurassic World yet and I liked it! It was definitely scarier than the others but, it was really good. We had an indoor, chill V-Day with the kids and it was JUST what the doctor ordered!!

John and I both have check-ups at the doctor tomorrow so I will be posting updates on the baby/healing front! John is resting and seems stronger and better every day. It's really a great site to see. Sometimes I just stare at him to make sure he's really here and I'm not still having to go see him at the hospital. I am SO GLAD that part is done for now.... 

Nesting is such a crazy thing. Even the Home Health Nurse that came on Friday walked in and said "Whoa, someone is nesting"... Click the link below and check out this great article on signs that nesting has struck! It's pretty on point!

I love feedback! Comment below! Answer me this....

Mommas, what do you remember doing while "nesting"?

How long from the start of "nesting" till you had your little one? 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Ecstatic To Be Here Till I Saw The Q-Tips!

Whew! We made it! We made it to John's much needed check up with the gastro surgeon! It was the last appointment I was worried about before being OK with leaving him while I go give birth to Emma! And we GOT IT DONE!! 

Sophie cracks me up. She was sitting across from us "reading" a magazine when the nurse came out and called John back. She heard Daddy's name and looked up and smiled! 

Hey! I know that name!!!

Dad! Get up! They called you!!

John had this really awesome gastro surgeon that did his surgery in the hospital but she went out on maternity leave within a couple of days of surgery being completed. She was almost due! Then John's care was taken over by her partner. Dr. Miller. He is an awesome doctor. BUT, he isn't sweet natured and tender with him like Dr. Mithani was. John was always rattled after Dr. Miller visited him. Dr. Miller was NOT slow pulling off bandages, or soft touching during belly exams and it always left John feeling sore. He even told me a horror story about Dr. Miller taking HUGE Q-Tips and really digging in to his incision with them..... (all necessary to clean it out and prevent what they call "tunneling")

But my husband was horrified none the less. And made sure to let me know he was and that he wasn't sure he "liked" this guy. (Dr. Miller is just doing his job and is really awesome by the way!)

Here John sits, awaiting Dr. Miller's arrival. By now you know how wonderful my husband is at waiting...

Dr. Miller walks in and goes right to work! As soon as John sees the nurse hand him the HANDFUL OF HUGE Q-TIPS, I saw all the color drain from his face. 

I watched as Dr. Miller REALLY dug in the 18 inch incision. Cleaning as he went, staples flying, digging like he saw gold in John's belly somewhere! My poor husband watched for about 15 seconds then laid his head back and closed his eyes. I was proud of him. He handled it well. Dr. Miller did an excellent job cleaning his incision up and says everything looks GREAT! It was over before we knew it and we were free to go!

The best news was that John could go home and take a REAL SHOWER NOW!! WAAAHOOO!! That made him happy!

He rested for a while once we got home, then when he was ready I taped up his belly so he could enjoy his shower! I even drew a giant S on him! S is for SUPERMAN....or maybe SUPER SKINNY at this point! (Where did you go honey??)

I am so used to sponge bathing him and taking care of him that I had my head peaking inside the shower telling him to make sure he washed this... and don't forget to wash that...

He finally says through giggles, "Stacey! Can you let me enjoy this?! Privacy please!"... HAHHAHAHHA, yes. I suppose I can!

The best news? The surgeon says John can ride with me to the hospital and be there for the baby's birth IF he feels up to it!!!

So now I can just go back to waiting to meet my new daughter! What a load off! The school aged kids have a 3 day weekend starting tomorrow. So I intend on taking it very easy. Knowing me, that will last about 30 minutes after I wake up...but at least I'll be at home. And my husband will be with me!! Maybe I'll finally make time to pack that pesky hospital bag! 


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Cystogram Day Plus the Hunt for the GIANT BUG is OVER!!


    The day we got to go back to the hospital for a Cystogram to see if they could take out John's catheter! When I tell you that all this illness and surgery has taken a toll on my honey, I mean just THAT! The man weighed about 228 until he started his back to back illness episodes several months ago. He weighed just under 200 when he was admitted to the hospital. Now check out the scale TODAY!

      Yep, that says 180. He has lost so much weight and muscle tone. It's really unbelievable! So the Cystogram was supposed to start at 10:30am. My husband was in the U.S. Navy for 12 years. He is a time stickler. It was about 11am or so before they came to get him. He reminded me how important time is to him and I reminded him to be patient. What to do with a toddler while we wait on Dad to get a test done that will take an hour or more? Mommy kept her busy. First, she made some friends in the waiting area. She's very social so I let her talk to her friends (mostly elderly people) until she got bored with that. Then, we went and had some lunch in the cafeteria!

   We went to check to see if Dad was back yet, NOPE! So we went on a walk. We checked out the gift shop. Then walked around some more. She was in her stroller of course so she enjoyed her "drive". Mommy was pretty tuckered out and needed to sit for a bit so we went back to the waiting area to see if Sophie could find more friends to talk to. It was pretty empty so she decided to organize the magazines! 

This is Mommy, "patiently" waiting. (It had been almost 2 hours by this point)

Then FINALLY he comes back! Results are GREAT! Catheter is out and he is good to go. Except, wait..... "We have to burn your CD so wait right here for a few minutes for us!"

Can I just GO HOME NOW!!

I am surely glad he got the catheter out. Now we have ONE MORE doctor appointment tomorrow that I need to get him to, then I can go in to labor and feel at ease with leaving him without my care for a couple of days.

To say the rest of my day was crazy is an understatement. I was just able to sit for a few minutes to type up this post. I still have baths to take care of, a bed to make, and tomorrow to prep for. But I have to share this hilarious story with you! This is my teenage son Jonathan. He is 18 and set to graduate High School this year. And almost as terrified of bugs as his Mom!

Some time right as John ended up in the hospital, Jonathan comes from his room before school in a panic. He runs to me and tells me he will be a few minutes late to the car. He saw a HUGE bug in his room and just HAD to find it! He comes out several minutes later in distress and tells me he can't find it. He plans on going on a bug hunt after school. He spends quite some time after school in the dark, quiet, stillness in his room after school. To no avail. He cannot find the bug. And he is stressed.

He goes to bed later on, then in the middle of the night I hear Jonathan tearing his room APART PEOPLE! It sounded like he was at war! I was annoyed because lights were on and doors were flinging open and someone was making so much noise it sounded like a struggle! Then all went quiet. I assumed he found the bug, took care of it, and I went back to sleep. I woke up the next morning to find Jonathan sleeping on the couch. The bug out ran him AGAIN after he woke up to it on his FACE. And he just couldn't sleep in his room after that. So the couch it was! For days after that, all he talked about was the bug. He was really upset that he couldn't find it and very worried he would end up swallowing it in his sleep! YUCK!!!

Tonight, he comes to me and says "Mom, the bug mystery is over!! I was in the bathroom and saw it on the ceiling out of the corner of my eye! I got it!! I killed it!!"

I will just bet some teenage boy gets the best sleep ever tonight! The look on his face was priceless. The fact that the bug was gone has him feeling like a real winner. And these are the stories that make up our days around here! Off to finish my day and maybe, just maybe I will get to sit and relax with my feet up at some point!!


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Welcome to our crazy life! Enter at your own risk!

Welcome Friends!

      Come on in! I've decided to start blogging about our crazy life here. Including updates on John's medical condition. I get told, a lot, that I should be writing a book about all the shenanigans that go on in my day. So I thought blogging about it was a great place to start! I am so glad to be sharing my life's adventures with our friends and family and can't wait to get to know some new friends too!

       For those that don't personally know us I will explain a little about who we are. My husband and I have been together just shy of 10 years now. We have 5 children with baby #6 due ANY DAY NOW! He works outside the home. I just started an online clothing boutique about 4 months ago.  I run the store and raise the kids. Plus we have a doggie. Needless to say, we have a busy, chaotic life as a normal day. Then recently, at 35 weeks pregnant, my husband was hospitalized and had to undergo emergency surgery. Thus, leaving me to run our chaos alone. His surgery was complicated and invasive. He is lucky to be alive and currently, I am holding on the best I can. I am now 37 weeks pregnant. I am exhausted. I am sore. I am spent. But I am grateful this didn't turn out worse. Here's our big family....minus Amber (the grown up daughter).

I am so thankful my husband's surgery was a success!

     John (husband) is currently healing at home. His current condition is good! He came home with two JP Drains, a catheter, a HUGE open incision that has to heal from the inside out, and a colostomy. As of today he is down to the incision, which is still open for the most part but healing, his catheter, and the colostomy, which will be in place for a few months until his surgeons determine if he is a candidate for reconnect surgery in the future. He is in no shape to do anything for himself so that has left me caring for all his needs plus the entire household. I am taxed to say the least! But by the grace of GOD I am making it, day by day.

     I went to the doctor for a baby check up today and I am 1cm dilated. I am praying SO HARD that I don't have this baby before Thursday afternoon. John has an appointment at the hospital to get a test done called a Cystogram to determine if they can take out his catheter. Then he has a check up with his gastro surgeon on Thursday mid-morning. After those appointments, this little baby can come whenever she likes! Until then, I will be taking it easy and hoping for the best! Here's to a restful evening! And welcome to our chaos! I hope you get something out of it. Even if it's nothing more than a giggle or two!
