Thursday, March 31, 2016

Life...Lately I'm Simply "Wingin It"...

Life is slowly becoming "different" for me. I tend to OBSESS over things. I NEED to plan things. I MUST follow a recipe exactly. I get NUTS when my daily "schedule" isn't stuck to, when traditions aren't kept, when things don't go as I plan and when I can't get to all my "to do's" in a day. Thanks to my husband's more laid back influence and recent events, I have let A LOT of that stuff GO! I simply cannot do it all and I refuse to let my anxiety tell me I am a failure! Lately, I feel like I am "wingin it!" And I am NOT sorry!

I was craving some "Baked Ziti" but I didn't have all the ingredients. Now normally that would mean I just wouldn't cook it. Instead, I subbed what I HAD for what I didn't and it turned out just FINE!

In fact, it was delish!! Click below for the original recipe I usually follow!

I was also craving some good oatmeal cookies. I decided to throw in some different types of chocolate chips this time! They came out awesome as usual!

Check below for original recipe.

Even our Easter celebration was more laid back this year. We hunted eggs in our jammies and didn't even do the hard boiled decorating this time! We have our traditions around here and we love them. But I am learning that changing things is OK too. Emma is only 4 weeks old so we decided a low key holiday was just what we needed. After all, Easter isn't really about eggs anyway! 

My grandbaby came over with her Mommy and Daddy and we got to watch the girls hunt eggs without too much help or us having to hold them to hunt for the first time! They were so cute!

I even tricked the teens in to hunting eggs with us this year! I usually get them something small for Easter since they are "too old" to hunt for eggs in the yard with the little kids. I hadn't been able to get out to get them anything so instead, I put some small amounts of money in a few eggs and unleashed the "hounds" to find them! 

Advice to my future self....never send your husband to the store for Easter candy when he's been having cravings worse than a pregnant lady...All I know is...SOMEBODY better eat all this taffy and these jelly beans! 

See guilty party in red shirt above :-)

How was YOUR Easter? What are your "must do" traditions?? Comment below and share with me friends!!


Friday, March 18, 2016

The Toddler is Cranky, The Baby is Crying and Daddy Needs Me Too!!

Oh boy friends! No matter how many times I bring a new baby home, it's never just a walk in the park! I have had so many people tell me that because this is #6 it should be "easy" for me, right? I'm currently getting my rear end handed to me by tiny humans!

I mean she's real cute and all!!!

Dealing with a demanding toddler, a newborn, and a husband that still needs me to help him with his medical "stuff" is challenging! Did I mention we started potty training the toddler? Yep, I have ALOT going on!

Let's not forget the sleep deprivation. Oh that's fun. A part of being a new Mom I never look forward to and never really adjust to. The blessing is that I know all too well that babies don't stay babies forever. 

Right now, my house is a mess. I can't be in the kitchen cooking meals like I was before. I am definitely not keeping up with all my little "projects". The laundry needs done and I am pretty sure I need a shower. But all of that takes a back seat to whatever my family needs of me any given moment. So that's what I focus on!

I also work from home too! Which is a challenge with a house full of kids. I opened an online clothing boutique back in September of 2015 in the hopes that one day it will provide a side income for my family and it's moving along as it should so far! I really enjoy doing it! But life as a work at home Mom can be a handful! This is my current status....

Packages by the door I have no time to open...

And here's what happens when I try to take photos for the boutique....

Sophie decides to "help"...

Uhm, get off my back drop kid!! (Hahahhahha)

And here she is taking a "pic" with her "cell phone"... This kid. She runs me ragged but she cracks me up too!

I'm 37 years old and finding that chasing little kids and not sleeping is more difficult than I remember. But I am taking things one day at a time! That's all you can do. And soaking up every precious moment I can with these kids while they are small. Not that I don't appreciate every moment with my older kids too. Those moments are priceless too! 

It's not easy having a family this size. It's also not easy having my partner in crime not able to help as much as I need him to. Things are hectic but things are good! That's all I can ask! 

Here's the link to my online store if you want to take a look!

Named after my daughters of course!! 

And you can like my Facebook Page too!

Hats off to ALL working MOMS! It sure isn't easy!

I would LOVE to hear your words of encouragement! Leave comments, tips, and stories. I enjoy them all!

Friday, March 4, 2016

Birth Story Part 2...Let me GO HOME!!

I can't really say that I hate hospitals. After giving birth, I just prefer to do my healing at home where I can be in my own bed and be with my family. I will tell you this, my stay at the Medical Center wasn't bad at all! I had AWESOME CARE by both the Doctors and Nurses and the night nurses only came in when they HAD to.... I was very grateful for that! 

After giving birth I was in the L&D room for a short time then moved to Post Partum. At about 4am I had to SHOOO my husband out the door. He looked BEAT. I sent him home to rest and re-coop. He didn't want to leave but I had nurses to take care of me and I need him to not over do things. And take care of himself too. What to do when your husband is sad because he can't be with you every minute in the hospital? You send funny texts! Or, that's what we do anyway!!

Emma came out READY to breastfeed. She hasn't had ANY issues other than....she was starting to get slightly miffed that Mom's milk hadn't "come in" yet....I mean geez EMMA. You were JUST BORN. Give Mom a minute!

The morning I had Emma I had great visits with both the pediatrician and my delivery doc who said everything was looking AWESOME and Emma and I could go home after the mandatory 24 hour hold. I couldn't have been more excited! 

My oldest daughter went by the house and grabbed all the kids, loaded them in the car, and brought them to see me. I was full of emotion. Having all of my kids in the room. Having 5 kids has been super hectic at times but I wouldn't change it. 

Sophie and Vivian holding Emma... I have some awesome kids... I hope they know how much I love them... 

Then the nurse came in to tell me I get a special "Mommy Dinner" to be delivered to my room that evening for Mommy PLUS ONE... And she took my order. What a neat thing to do! In all honesty, the food wasn't bad. This hospital allows you to "call in" your order for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then they deliver it up to you. It was fantastic!

For the Mommy Dinner, I chose steak. My husband hadn't been able to eat one in forever and it's his favorite. So I decided to cater to him a bit. It turned out GREAT! 

I couldn't have been happier. Healthy, happy baby. Healthy, happy Mommy...and dinner with Daddy. What a miracle!!

The next morning, the Doctor's both signed off on our release and the nurse reported above average test results for Emma! (Way 2 go you little overachiever!) Then we packed up and headed home! 

Getting pretty for going home!!

I could tell my husband was glad to be taking us home. And I cannot tell you how excited I was to be going home. That was the first time I had ever spent a night away from Sophie. So I was anxious to love on her!

We packed the new little snuggler in her car seat and we were on our way!

When I got home, Sophie met me at the back gate. When she saw my face she ran to me at the car and gave me the biggest hug and kiss and I melted. Time to start our adjusting to life as a family of 8!! Let the adventures begin!

For all you Mommies wondering what to pack for the hospital, here's a link to the list I used. After having 6 kids I can tell you, every list I have seen has you WAY over packing. This list is short and sweet and I still found I didn't need a lot of the stuff. This is definitely the list I recommend for you!

What items did you pack for your birth stay that you actually used? 
What items did you pack that weren't really needed?

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Birth Story Part 1...From ZERO to a HUNDRED REAL QUICK!!

Remember on Tuesday when I had that scary doctor appointment and my body was showing NO FURTHER signs of progress? Yep, so do I. Yet here we sit, crazy story to tell and beautiful baby to show off just DAYS LATER!

How did we end up here? It was the shortest, craziest experience. And so fitting, since it will be my last!

On Friday, just 3 days after being told I was on my way to induction or a possible C-Section since my blood pressure was acting up and my body wasn't progressing, I started having some cramping during the day. Nothing consistent. Nothing worth timing. Nothing super painful. These pains felt like period cramps but stronger and came and went throughout the day. I would have 3-4 during a 1-2 hour time frame then they would go away for hours. So, I didn't pay much attention to them. 

At about 8pm, I was feeling pretty worn out and just BLAH so I asked my loving hunny if we could finish watching the movie we had on, in bed. We climbed in bed and the cramps started up. I still didn't really think much of them since I had been having them intermittently all day. At about 10:30pm I was getting annoyed with them actually. I just wanted to get some sleep and they were getting strong enough to feel painful. I was having to grab John's hand and that made me take notice. I decided to get out of bed and eat some ice chips, walk around and see if that made a difference. They were 15 minutes apart (give or take) so I wasn't ready to go to the hospital yet. PLUS, I still hadn't finished packing my bag... (Yep, somehow I knew that was going to happen!)

I spent the next hour to hour and a half eating ice chips, walking through the house some and putting things in to my bags. 

(When you are in false labor those things can actually STOP the BH or false contractions....and I was trying to make sure if that's what these were) Close to giving birth yourself? Click the link below for signs of labor! I definitely had some of those going on!

MY BAGS!!!! 

So at about 12am, I decided the contractions were consistent and strong enough that we needed to get the bags out and start heading to the hospital. I didn't want to get there last minute like I did with Sophie. Mostly because I wanted to make sure my blood pressure was being monitored for the baby's sake. 

SIDE NOTE!! I LOVE these bags. For those wondering, these are 31 Bags! I am NOT a 31 Bags Consultant! I am a LOVER of 31 Bags AND my "BAG LADY". I use these bags for EVERYTHING. The striped bag will, essentially, be Emma's diaper bag. I say essentially because it will hold Emma's things, Sophie's things, my things and basically whatever other THINGS I put in it. Because it's THAT awesome. We had been using it for Soccer and Sophie and LIFE so I had "On The Move" monogrammed on it. We are ALWAYS on the move somewhere, somehow. So that fits us well!

When my husband saw me gathering the bags he knew it was time. We helped each other to the car. We had to. I was in pain and he's still healing. We were quite the pair! "Here, let me help you! NO, let me help you!"....

At that point the contractions were still 12-15 minutes apart but getting pretty painful. The hospital is about 25 minutes away. We were convinced we had plenty of time. We pull out of the driveway and start heading that way. We weren't on the road for 5 minutes when I had a REALLY STRONG contraction. Then another. My husband says to me "Stacey, that was 4 minutes apart".... I just grabbed his hand. 3-4 minutes later another, each one getting stronger. I start praying. My favorite Christian station was on in the car. I ask John to turn up the radio and I sing in between contractions. 

We pull up to the ER, I get out and go inside while John parks the car. Then we head up to L&D. The L&D triage nurse leads me to a room where they will assess my condition. I change in to the gown and explain to her that this is baby #6 and what's been going on since we left the house. She steps in to SUPER SPEED and checks me. "Well, you are at a 7-8!"

My husband looks at her wide eyed..."You guys better get ready. That baby will be out in 20 minutes, give or take." (This is at about 1:10 am when this conversation is happening) The nurse runs out of the room and I hear her tell the other nurse to "Call the doc NOW"...

From there, things got kinda crazy. I had about 3 nurses working on me to get my IV going and labs drawn in a hurried state to finish before I had to start pushing. All the while my contractions are coming almost back to back now. The nurses finish promptly and wheel me to the delivery room. I had just moved to the delivery bed when I felt a contraction mixed with pressure and I know what that means. I looked at the nurse and said "When will the doc be here?" She says "Well, she doesn't take that long to get here. You are doing awesome with your breathing. Try to hold on if you can." 

Another contraction... LOTS of pressure....

Me to the nurse... "What if I can't hold on?"

The nurse comes over and grabs my arm..."If you can't what you need to do. I GOT THIS"... I saw the confidence in her face and knew it would be ok. The next contraction, Emma wasn't waiting. My water broke, one push, head push... HERE'S EMMA!!! Born at 1:39am!

WOW.. I couldn't believe it. It all happened so fast. The doctor came in shortly after. She looked the baby and I over and did all the fun "after birth" stuff then told me everything looked great! And she would see us in the morning! The nurses giggled and said "Thanks for stopping by!"... HEHEHHEHHEH

7lbs 1oz..... 19 1/2 inches long and healthy as can be!! 

Dad's role was soooo different this time. He couldn't stand next to me and hold my hand. He isn't strong enough to stand for long yet. He couldn't even gather his strength to cut the cord. But you guys, he was THERE!! He knew just what to say to me and when to say it. He coached me from this couch in the room. And when I tell you that I could hear him say "Slow your breathing down." And "You're doing great honey. It's almost over". It calmed me. Just as if he was next to me. Just as it has every other time. AND HE WAS THERE!!!

He was THERE! He was THERE!!!

Welcome to the world EMMA GRACE DOMINGUEZ!! You are LOVED! 

Momma's to be, if you are looking for a hospital bag or diaper bag or any other type of bag I highly recommend my BAG LADY! I will post her link. I got so many compliments on my bags while people were in and out of the room. Our household lives in the things. 

Go check her out! 

And check back for the rest of the birth story!! Part two coming soon!!